Post-College options -
This is my progression routes slideshow in which I take a look at my personal progression routes and analyse them. I found three potential progression paths for myself after college and noted the pros and cons of each of them. Additionally I spoke about unions and how they can benefit people within the industry.

Career roadmap -
This is my 5-year roadmap that details my projected career future. I've included 5 key milestones that may happen within the next five years as well as some minor details. I laid out my goals and how I wish to achieve them, including necessary resources, success conditions etc.

5 year Detailed plan -
Here in my detailed version of my 5-year-plan, i simply delve deeper into each step of said plan, commenting on my end goals at each stage, the process, success criteria, benefits and resources.

Logo Analysis' -
Here I've analysed 3 different brand logos, speaking about what they achieve, how they do so and how different aspects of their logo's do different things and evoke different thoughts and emotions. This was to help me understand what works in a logo so that I could develop some of my own.

Personal logo drafts -
I then created 3 logo's of my own, experimenting with slightly different branding, one with my Initials (XLD) another with just "Xavier Linton" and an even shorter simplistic one that uses only the "X" from "Xavier". I also tried to keep my logo's on brand with the film industry. I then analysed my three logo drafts and decided upon one logo to move forward with.

Unique Selling Points -
In this piece of work I selected three celebrities / professionals and highlighted each of their unique selling points, ranging from actors to musicians to even basketballers. The point of this exercise was to teach me how to identify the unique selling points of others and ultimately myself. When talking about my own unique selling point I focused on my style of cinematography, since cinematography is my desired career path.

Self "SWOT" analysis -
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. In this exercise I applied SWOT to myself, looking at and commenting on my own strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats, giving 5 examples of each. This further helps me become hyper-aware of my current and future position in regards to career.
Digital footprint do's and don'ts / my digital footprint -
Here I talk about what one should and shouldn't do on the internet considering how everything online adds to your digital footprint that will persist forever, and I also looked at my own digital footprint by googling my name and investigating.

Ways one can prepare for a job interview -
In this piece of work i spoke about how one can/should prepare for a job interview in preparation for my own mock interview. Not only did I detail what one should do to prepare, but I also mentioned why exactly these things should be done and what they achieve.
What is Networking?
This poster simply answers regarding networking, talking about what exactly a professional network is, what the act of networking is, where one would network, how to connect with others and how to conduct oneself.

Networking top-tips -
This poster goes hand-in-hand with the "what is networking" poster and gives four top tips for networking as well as why these things should be done and how they positively effect the whole networking experience.

Interview analysis -
Here I wrote about the feedback I received from Miss Tugwell following the Mock interview she conducted with myself. I spoke about how I personally felt the interview went, then talked about Miss' feedback and elaborated on that as well as how she recommends I go about implementing said feedback.
Business Card -
For this task I have created a design for a business card that I would theoretically hand out at networking events. I thought it best to keep it simple, including my name, career position and contact details.

Professional CV -
Here you see my professional CV in which I detail my educational and professional experiences, as well as how these experiences would help me within the industry. I also included my contact information.

Professional Website:
I made my website on Wix as a way to display my portfolio and to network with potential clients, employers, and other industry professionals.
The homepage of my website consists of a black colour scheme with grey highlights and contrasting white text. I've done this to make the viewing experience as easy on the eyes as possible, by not introducing harsh, bright colours. I've also included one of my projects at the center of this page, which is a looped version of my Dr.Um advertisement, as to show off my work and improve the aesthetics of my home page.

About me:
My about me page is very simple, continuing the trend of a black background with white text, with all of the information in the center of the screen for ease of reading. I've included only a short amount of important information about myself as to not bloat the page. Something I could improve about this page would be adding a professional picture of myself, though I didn't do this because I don't currently have any pictures of me in a professional setting.

On this page I moved away from the black background in favor of a still from a short film that I worked on. I'm a big fan of the shot compositionally and I think that the colours continue to make my website easy on the eyes. It also helps my website feel unique, as no other website could feature my shots. I've included two ways of contacting me, my phone number and my email. This way, people have some options to choose from.

My work:
My 'My Work' page features 4 of my best pieces of work completed during my time at BOA Stage and Screen Academy. This page is supposed to show off my skills, achievements and portfolio, so I modelled it in a simple, straight-forward way that shows you my projects in a sleek and professional manor.
Social media analysis' -
Here I have taken an in depth look at my professional YouTube and Instagram accounts, analysing different aspects of each, such as profile pictures or bio's, in order to explain why I made the decisions I did and what those decisions do for my pages / the image they paint of myself.
